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Damaging Things Parents Should Never Say To Their Children

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Parents can say a lot of things they do not mean in the heat of the moment. These moments present themselves in many ways like when you are in a good mood you say yes to them staying up late, or when you are in a new place, you say ok for everyone to visit a place you otherwise will not be able to afford etc. These things you can fix by apologizing and telling them you’ll make up for it. But many times what you say, cannot be fixed with an apology later. When a child makes their parent angry, they can scold them for their behaviour, but it goes too far when you choose to make them feel small by insulting them. Here are a few things parents should never say to their children.

"You're so lazy/stupid/bad."While these may be passing remarks for you, these are difficult moments for your children. These words can damage a child's self-esteem and create a negative self-image inside their head forever. Instead, you should focus on specific behaviours and offer constructive feedback. "You'll never amount to anything."When you say these things to a child, it means you are trying to hurt them and make them feel bad. Such statements can make your child feel like an outsider and that they will never be good at what they do. If you feel like they are not putting enough effort, then tell them you are worried or ask them what is wrong. "You're just like your father/mother."When you compare your child to a parent, especially if that parent has a negative relationship with the child, you are not only suggesting that the parent is harmful but you are also suggesting they will also be seen badly. Comparing children to their parents makes them feel resentful and angry. "If you don't do this, I won't love you anymore."Many studies have shown how these kind of words are manipulative to say to a child. A parent’s love is supposed to be unconditional for a child, and this sentence puts a condition on them. This is a form of emotional manipulation that can create fear and insecurity in a child. "You're embarrassing me."Children do many things sometimes embarrassing because they do not know any better. This can make a child feel ashamed and inadequate, they don’t understand it is because of their actions, but they think it is about them and it damages their self-esteem. "Why can't you be more like your sibling?"No child wishes to hear that they are worse than their own sibling. Not only will this comparing children lead to feelings of jealousy, resentment, and inadequacy but it will also make them feel inadequate and as if they will always have to compete with their sibling. "You're worthless."Every child wishes to make their parents proud, they want to hear how happy they are but never these two words. These words can have a devastating impact on a child's self-esteem and mental health because you are shattering their entire self-worth, just for your anger and lack of emotional control
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