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Tech Tips: Five tips to make a slow smartphone super fast, Android users should memorize them..

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Today smartphones have become an important member of every household. There is a phone in every hand. More than 80 crore people in the country are using social media. As per the need, more apps are being installed on people's phones. In such a situation, their phone is getting slow. Today we will give you some simple and effective tips to make a slow Android smartphone fast which can improve the performance of your device. Let us know...

Uninstall unnecessary apps - Remove those apps that you use less or not at all. Too many unnecessary apps use the phone's memory and processing power, which slows down the phone.

Clear cache data - Cache data of apps and browsers can fill up your phone's storage and slow it down. It is important to clear the cache regularly. For this, go to Settings > Storage > Cache data and clear it.

Update the system and apps - Keep your Android system and all apps updated regularly. Updates often include bug fixes and performance improvements that can make your phone faster.

Reduce animations and transition effects- Slowing down animations makes the system respond faster. Go to Settings > Developer options > Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale to 0.5x or off.


Reboot the phone- Restart your phone from time to time. This stops unnecessary processes running in the background and frees up RAM.

Avoid antivirus or cleaner apps- Many times antivirus or cleaner apps use a lot of RAM and storage in the background. If you are not downloading any suspicious apps then you do not need these apps.

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