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How To Tackle Inflammation Of Joints

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The synovial membrane is a thin barrier that lines the inside of some of your joints. You might also see it referred to as your synovium. Your synovial membranes encase your joints in a layer of synovial fluid. Synovial membranes are part of your musculoskeletal system that helps you sit, stand and move.

The synovial fluid is a thick fluid found in all the movable joints of the human body. A synovial fluid definition should also include the function of the fluid, which is to lubricate the joint and provide a cushion for the ends of the bones.

Synovitis is swelling (inflammation) in the synovial membrane that lines some of your joints. Arthritis and injuries to joints are the most common causes. Any joint in your body that has a synovial membrane can develop synovitis. The most common joints affected by synovitis include your knees, hips, shoulder, elbows, and ankles.


Synovitis happens when a synovial membrane or the fluid inside it is damaged or irritated. The affected synovial membrane swells up, thickens and causes pain and other symptoms (like one hears kat, kat sound) inside your joints. Synovitis is very common in people who have arthritis. This is an extra risk if you have chronic synovitis (synovitis that comes back frequently over time). This can make it harder for you to use your joint and permanently affect your range of motion (how far you can move a joint).

Common synovitis care include:

  • Rest and stopping the activity that caused your synovitis.

  • Wearing a brace or splint to reduce stress on your joint.

  • Physical therapy to strengthen the muscles around your affected joint.

You might also need some medications to reduce your symptoms and lower the swelling in your joint. Any physical activity is good for your body. Some exercises that are especially good for your joints are: Stretching, strength training. quadriceps squats, knee flexion, and heel raises.



According to ACUSANSTHAN, the Synovial fluid drying could be preserved by placing a Byol magnet. White side should touch the adhesive medical tape and past it on the right foot second toe (next to the big toe) as shown in the figure.

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