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Yoga poses to deal with election anxiety

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As the US Presidential Elections approaches, the majority of Americans are feeling stressed about the results, a phenomenon that has been termed as election anxiety. As the stakes are higher than ever before and with so much information surrounding us, there is no surprise that many of us may feel overwhelmed or burdened. It's time to adopt mindful practices like Yoga that can serve as a perfect antidote to stress and feelings of uncertainty.

Here are five Yoga poses to ease anxiety, promote relaxation, and help you feel calm and collected.
Child Pose or BalasanaA very effective asana in releasing stress from every part of the body be it back, hips, thighs, or ankles, Balasana is highly recommended for its anxiety-relieving effect. To perform this pose, kneel down on the mat and sit on your heels. Inhale and raise arms above the head, exhale and bend your upper body forward. Place your forehead on the floor and rest your pelvis on the heels. Keep your back straight.

Triangle pose or Trikonasana

Overthinking about the election outcome? This asana can help to quieten the chatter. Triangle pose combined with the right breathing techniques, makes you focus on yourself and curb overthinking. This will help foster a mind-body connection. To perform the asana, stand with your feet apart. Extend your arms parallel to the ground. Reach your right hand toward your right foot and simultaneously extend your left arm overhead. This will create a straight line from your left fingertips to your right hand, and look up at your left hand.

Pyramid pose or Parsvottanasana
A great asana for mental clarity and bringing harmony in mind and body, pyramid pose is recommended to get rid of any kind of anxiety. To perform this pose, stand up straight. Step your right foot back, and keep the left leg straight. Turn your right foot slightly outward. Hinge at your hips to fold forward over your left leg, keeping your spine long. Place your hands on the floor, looking downward or forward.

Tree Pose or Vrikshasana
Tree pose is very effective in calming your brain and alleviating your anxiety. This is especially useful for people who have racing thoughts about an upcoming event. To perform Tree Pose, stand straight on your mat. Now place the sole of the opposite foot on your inner thigh. Raise your arms overhead and bring your palms together. Try to balance yourself on one leg.

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