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6 techniques of positive discipline instead of scolding your child

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Raising children does require a lot of patience! It's a journey filled with highs and lows, and each phase brings its own challenges. When your child misbehaves, it’s tempting to scold. But have you ever thought about how positive discipline could work better? Instead of focusing on punishment, it teaches your child important lessons while building a stronger, more trusting bond between you. Let’s explore why positive discipline is a smarter choice than scolding

Development of emotions

Harsh scolding can harm a child’s emotional growth, leading to feelings of humiliation and low self-esteem. Positive discipline, on the other hand, nurtures emotional intelligence by helping children understand their emotions and develop healthy coping skills. It builds emotional security and resilience, laying the foundation for strong emotional well-being.

Respect for one another

According to Prasanna Vasanadu, parent educator, founder, Tikitoro, “Scolding can undermine mutual respect, which is key to any healthy relationship. Positive discipline, on the other hand, promotes respect and cooperation by focusing on empathy and understanding. When children feel their voices and emotions are valued, they’re more likely to listen and collaborate. This approach not only fosters trust but also strengthens the parent-child relationship , creating a more harmonious and respectful dynamic.”

Promotes self-inspiration

Children who receive scolding or other forms of punishment are frequently motivated to behave not by a true sense of right and wrong but rather by a desire to avoid receiving more punishment. Children who get positive discipline are more likely to become intrinsically motivated to conduct themselves well. By focusing on positive reinforcement and helping kids understand the reasons behind their actions, children learn to take responsibility for their behavior and develop self-discipline .

Lessens fear and anxiety

Children who are frequently scolded may develop a fear of making mistakes, creating an environment where they’re constantly worried about failure. This fear can hold them back from learning and growing from their mistakes. Positive discipline, on the other hand, offers a secure and encouraging setting where kids can make errors and grow from them without worrying about being severely judged or scolded.

Techniques of positive discipline

Praise and rewards

One of the best methods for constructive criticism and discipline is positive reinforcement. To promote good behavior, use praise and rewards. Give your child a tiny treat or words of praise when they behave well or make a good decision. This shows kids that their efforts are valued and acknowledged while also reinforcing positive behavior.

Active listening

Children are more inclined to cooperate and follow instructions when they feel heard and understood. By maintaining eye contact and paying attention to what they have to say, you can engage in active listening. Prior to dealing with the behavior, acknowledge their feelings. Feeling angry is acceptable, but it's time to tidy up.

Change in approach

When your child misbehaves, tell them that their behavior was wrong rather than criticizing them. They would be able to recognise inappropriate behavior and avoid making the same mistakes again. As a part of the conversation, offer suggestions that they can act on.

Time in Instead of time out

According to Archana Singhal, counsellor, family therapist, founder, Mindwell Counsel, Delhi, “Instead of time out, try to spend your free time with your children. It will help you to understand their feeling. This promotes connection and understanding. Parents often react emotionally when their children misbehave, but successful positive discipline requires staying calm. By approaching the situation calmly, you create a better opportunity for teaching and learning, while avoiding anger or frustration, which can often make the problem worse.”

Using a positive relationship rather than scolding is very important to maintain a healthy relationship between parents and children. It is also important for the emotional and social development of child. Positive discipline focuses on teaching rather than punishing the children. It will help them to accept their mistake and make good choices in their future. Positive discipline increases the sense of responsibility on whether the scolding generates a feeling of shame and fear.

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